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How to overcome the distance learning gap for students

Tue Feb 06 2024 - 2 min read

How to overcome the distance learning  gap for students

overcome the distance learning gap for students

In addition to the presence of many advantages in e-learning, students face some challenges in the educational journey that hinder their studies and how much they can benefit from them.

Adapting to the distance learning environment may be difficult at first, but dealing with it and how to overcome it leads to the highest benefit from the educational journey. 

The most common challenges students face

After the increase in the need and demand for distance education, many difficulties have emerged, which greatly affect students, of course, such as:

1-A sense of commitment and seriousness

Most students who receive education in the traditional way have more commitment and attendance than students who receive education via the Internet. 

2- Loss of communication between students and science.

3-Difficulty providing the appropriate environment for learning 

4- Lack of good attention and distraction

Being in a learning environment free of distractions is different from being at home 

5-Having difficulty understanding sometimes.

Solutions to distance learning challenges

there are solutions, there are some solutions to improve the reception of distance education

1-Make an organized schedule for the educational trip to organize time and encourage commitment.

Such as creating an appropriate environment, such as identifying a specific room and having a well-lit office

2-Reducing distractions in the surrounding environment while receiving lectures

3- Following courses that allow interaction and creating communication between the student and the teacher via live broadcast, sending messages, or in the presence of a team and colleagues in the same field.

With the continuous development, distance education has become extremely important, especially in our time with the spread of diseases such as Corona. It also provides learning in different places that may be outside the country and enrollment in international universities without the need to travel .With continued efforts, all difficulties facing distance education will disappear with good work on them.